Friday, September 9, 2011

Still waters run deep

When I began writing this blog, I had hoped it would be a beneficial exercise. You know, work through all that BS I went through over the last three years while I wait patiently for my bar exam results. Alas, it has not been beneficial as I had hoped. Rather, it has been absolutely exhausting.

I thought a few funny stories about some of the ridiculous people I was surrounded with over the last three years would get a few laughs. I thought it would help me work through some remaining bad feelings from that dark period.

Yes, I just described law school as a "dark period." I'm not trying to be overly dramatic. I have read where people say that law school was great, fun, challenging. Well. Good for you.

I found the grading random and completely subjective in nature, the people insufferable, the monetary costs unreasonable, and the "challenge" aspect totally overrated. Do I enjoy learning? Yes. Do I like to challenge myself? Yes. I am a curious fellow. Yes. But, those last three years were, for the most part, unrewarding drudgery.

Whatever. Call me a whambulance. I have a lot more stories, and I will share them here, in this space I carved out in a distant corner of the web.

Still, though, there isn't any way around it. This has been one big bummer. Maybe that's the point, eh? Work through it. No reason to keep it buried. Sigh.

I'll tell you this much, friends, not a week has gone by since I graduated in May that I haven't regretted the choice of pursuing a legal education.

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