Sunday, August 28, 2011

Reasons for anonymity

I’ve decided my purposes for writing this blog are better suited if I keep my name off of it. I just want to create an outlet for venting off steam about about law school and the bar exam. It’s not that I’m afraid of anything, it's just that the actual names of people and places aren't terribly important. I have already had a few long, honest conversations with several people about my experiences over the last three and a half years. I’ve spoken with practicing attorney, future law students, and non-lawyers at length. The anonymity is something new.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I sat down and began typing a month after I sat for the bar exam. It just came pouring out. I guess it needed to.

I have written quite a bit in the past on a variety of topics. A couple articles of mine were published in national magazines.  I have also blogged for over ten years (on websites other than this, or course). There is simply no need for self-promotion with this particular endeavor. What I need to do is work through a bunch of bullshit and move on with my life.

What surprised me was now many stories I have about all the complete jackasses I was surrounded with during law school. You want to know why people hate lawyers? It’s because lawyers are assholes.

This is as good a time as any to mention how much I am enjoying the Inside the Law School Scam blog.

Although the invidious socialization effects of traditional legal education certainly haven't helped: whether law school is more of an asshole magnet or factory is a question worthy of more intense study than it has yet received., brother.

I like to think writing all of this crap out and posting it online will be helping me in some way. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t worth a try, I suppose. I didn’t sleep very well last night as memories of some of the god damn stupid shit I’ve been through came roaring back. There were people in law school, both students and professors, who outright lied to my face on multiple occasions about all manner of things. Sure, there are the usual job placement stats that every law school seems to make out of whole cloth. There are also the professors that are completely full of shit and the law students that will throw anyone under the bus for a better grade. They are an ugly, mean, and vicious lot.

I’m glad I was able to make it through with at least some of my soul left intact.

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